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Genealogy of the family Franken

 Family database information

The SOSA number 1 is Brehme (Surname ommitted) whose ancestors were found across 15 generations.
The earliest person of the database is Winckelmann N.N. (14888) whose birthdate is before 1560.

Good availability of historical sources allowed to identify a large part of the family in the federal state of Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), in Germany.
There are 1160 individuals and 420 families representing 344 surnames and 264 places in this base.
The 420 unions and 169 marriages had 1.90 children per couple on average.

  Number known dates known places
Births 644 615 544
Marriages 169 167 142
Deaths 388 369 327
Events 1410 1348 1203

Author : Name : Daniel Franken
E-Mail : daniel.franken at

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